So, my wife is buying gifts and picks up a Crayola Color Globe for someone in our family thinking it's $9.95, but upon getting home sees that she was charged $40 and decides that's too much, we're going to go return it. It was bought at Michaels in Milwaukee, but they have a store in Madison as well so we decide to go there to get our money back and do some more shopping at East Town Mall as well.
Get to East Town, crowd not nearly as bad as we expected. We have no idea where the Michaels is, figure at some point we'll just ask someone and go find it from there. As we're walking through the mall we find a display in the mall where they have a couple "giving trees" where people in need have filled out cards with requests for gifts and you can take a card, buy the gift and drop it in a box to be given to them. We wanted to get something for a kid, so we found one that wanted a Spongebob Operation game, but the toy store in the mall didn't have it. They said they had Spongebob games, just not that one. Then we found one that just said "Spongebob game". Back to the toy store. What they were calling Spongebob games weren't really games, though. Off the Gordmans! No Spongebob games. By now we've been screwing around with this for about 30 minutes.
So, we find two more kids requests for games, back to the toy store... strike three... strike FOUR... By this time we're pretty freakin frustrated and have expended a lot of time in what is looking more and more like a losing effort :(
Look at card after card after card... and I find a 10 year old kid who (as God is my witness) specifically wants a Crayola Color Globe, the exact thing we have in our car to return! Now, we were tired and frustrated and the car was nowhere near the tree and it was getting close to mall closing time... But at that point I knew what had to be done. Too much cosmic karma to be denied! Back to the car, get the gift, I hope it makes that kid's day!
Merry Christmas everyone! Spread joy and cheer throughout the world :)
Stocks Going Ex Dividend in November 2024
4 months ago