Friday, March 28, 2014

TD10-3 Focus

I have great ideas during the day for these ten minute writing sessions.  I have the whole thing planned out in my head; it’s going to be so awesome.  I can’t remember any of them from earlier today, though.  I’m getting a small pocket notebook to carry with me and jot those ideas down as they come to me.  That might help tomorrow’s post, but today I have to wing it.

Do you ever obsess about stupid things you’ve done in your life?  Like, go back through the events and remember all the times you said something stupid or embarrassing, and then berate yourself for being such an insensitive moron?  I catch myself reliving my worst moments every now and then.

What if every time you started berating yourself for past failures you could catch that thought, stop it, and think about the people whose lives you’ve impacted in a positive way, the events you succeeded in, and relive the successes instead?

What we focus on expands.  One of my favorite quotes is Henry Ford’s “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right”.  I’m going to really try to not relive past failures and focus on the good times instead.  That’s what I want my mind focused on: happiness, good times and success.